About 🧔🏽

A little bit about me

B kanhu Image

Hey again 👋

I'm B Kanhu Charan, a passionate frontend developer based in India. I combine my technical expertise with a creative flair while working on a project. This combination allows me to create websites that not only function flawlessly but also look beautiful.

I thrive on solving complex problems and take pride in delivering user-friendly experiences that improve customer satisfaction.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy pursuing my hobby of landscape and astrophotography, or listening to music.




Front-end Developer,

Sonepur, Odisha, Nov 2022 - July 2023


Web Content Writer, Self-employed

Sonepur, Odisha, April 2017 - March 2019


Sonepur College

Bachelors in Computer Science

Sonepur, Odisha, 2017-2020

Yuvodaya Jr. College

+2 with Phy, Chem, Math, & Info. Tech.

Bolangir, Odisha, 2015-2017

Tools & Skills

Language and Frameworks

ReactjsNextJSTailwind CSSSCSSHTML5 & CSS3JavascriptBootstrap


FigmaVS CodeGitGithubNetlify


Problem SolvingAttention to detail